This morning event took place on the 9th November and was attended by over 50 CAMHS and CYPMH professionals from across the country where the content focussed on how to deliver comprehensive support to children and young people in the community.
Creating new care pathways to support the challenges facing young people and children
Exploring how other services have created new care pathways to support the challenges facing young people and children, this forum enabled attendees to log off feeling revitalised to make real change to their joined-up working strategy. With specific focus on how to improve service approaches to eating disorders, ADHD and crisis response whilst considering how to improve collaboration with schools, this free-to-attend, national forum was a great experience for all.
With special insights into case study interventions and service developments
Attendees benefitted from new ideas to:
- Establish school-based resilience programmes to improve access to mental health support
- Develop care pathways for children and young people diagnosed and awaiting diagnosis
- Transform services to support CYPs closer to home
- Create new pathways with charity and third sector providers to support eating disorders
- Evaluate how the cost-of-living crisis has impacted the wellbeing of CYP
- Discuss how you can improve service wait times and increase staff retention
9:20 |
Chair's opening remarks
Michelle Rudd, Transformation lead for Childrens and Young Peoples Mental Health, West midland Clinical Lead for NHS England
Mental health support in schools and colleges | |
9:30 |
Mental Health Support Teams Programme: The Nottinghamshire experience
Nichola Reed, Public Health and Commissioning Manager, Childrens Integrated Commissioning Hub and Public Health, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
Service transformation for autism | |
9:55 |
Creating inclusive services for autistic children and young people & Autism diagnostic assessments- Right service, right time, improved experience and outcomes
Gemma Cartwright, Advanced Occupational Therapist and Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner / System Clinical Lead for Neurodiversity, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
10:20 |
Questions and answers with your speakers
Industry participation | |
10:30 |
Industry presentation and Q&A opportunities
11:00 |
Screen break
11:10 |
Interactive discussion: How can we support workforce shortages?
11:20 |
Interactive discussion feedback: How can we support workforce shortages?
Meeting the needs for eating disorders | |
11:30 |
Case study: Delivering an integrated care model for eating disorders
Kevin Parkinson, Chief Executive and Chair, First Steps Eating Disorders and Regional Eating Disorders Charity Alliance Network (REDCAN)
Nursing times winners 2022 showcase | |
11:55 |
Think Family Outreach Team: Providing unique and personalised packages of care in all settings
Terri Lewis, Team Lead, Think Family Outreach Team, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
12:20 |
Questions and answers with your speakers
12:30 |
Chair's closing remarks and close of day
Michelle Rudd
Transformation Lead for CYPMH and West Midland Clinical Lead
NHS England
Nichola Reed
Public Health and Commissioning Manager
Childrens Integrated Commissioning Hub and Public Health, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
Kevin Parkinson
Chief Executive and Chair
First Steps Eating Disorders and Regional Eating Disorders Charity Alliance Network (REDCAN)
Gemma Cartwright
Advanced Occupational Therapist and Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner / System Clinical Lead for Neurodiversity
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Terri Lewis
Team Lead, Think Family Outreach Team
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Practical and interactive this online event was a huge success
With over 50 CAMHS and CYP professionals registered, the networking and cross peer support was shared by everyone.
We we were pleased to welcome attendees with jobtitles including:
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Community Engagement Worker
- CYP Mental Health Nurse PDN
- Deputy head Nurse Children
- Clinical Lead
- CAMHS Nurse practitioner
- Deputy Director
- Education Mental Health Practitioner
- Junior Sister/Clinical Facilitator
- Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Clinical Deputy Manager
- Team Lead RISE ED Home Intervention
- Medical Director
- Clinical Team Lead
- Burns Safeguarding Liaison
- Neurodevelopmental Nurse ADHD
- Whole School Approach Coordinator
- Specialist Mental Health Nurse (CAMHS)
- Occupational Therapist
- Clinical Psych
- Social Worker
- Arts Psychotherapist
- Project Lead and Trainer
- Psychotherapist
- Senior Mental Health Practitioner
- Specialist Social Worker
- CAMHS Triage nurse and mental health practitioner
- Designated Clinical Officer for Special Education Needs and or Disabilities
- CAMHS CBT Specialist
- Consultant Mental Health Practitioner
- Family and Systemic Psychotherapist
- Bromley CAMHS Led Nurse
- CAMHS Senior Practitioner
- Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
- Specialist Mental Health Practitioner
- Mental Health Project Manager
- Nurse Educator
- Nurse Consultant, Paediatrics
- Team Manager
- eTherapy Coordinator
- Specialist Services Team Leader
- Clinical Psychologist
- Director of Young People services
- MSc, BSc (Hons) Advanced Occupational Therapist and Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner
- Specialist Mental Health Head of Service
- Team Lead, Think Family Outreach Team
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Lead and Children’s Services Advisor
- Interim NHS Commissioning and Performance Consultant, Trustee First / CEO
From organisations including:
- Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust
- Barts Health NHS Trust
- Bedfordshire Hospital Trust
- Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Blackpool Teaching Hospital
- Broomfield Hospital
- Combined Healthcare
- Ellern Mede Group
- Humber Teaching Foundation Trust
- Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS Combined Healthcare
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- NHS Lanarkshire
- NHS Wales
- NHSE Quality Transformation Team
- Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- North Bristol NHS Trust
- North Staffordshire Combined NHS Trust
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Oxleas Mental Health Trust
- Oxleas NHS FT
- Sheffield Children's NHS Trust
- St Georges NHS Foundation Trust
- The Big Life Group
- Walsall CAMHS
- We Are With You
Here are just a few comments from this insightful day
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